Friday, March 21, 2014

Let It Go!

If you haven't seen the movie Frozen, you have GOT to go see it. I knew it was a movie I would love when I first saw the previews, but held back seeing as I'm a grown adult without any children to bring with me to a Disney movie in theaters. Enter my best friend and her husband visiting Chicago over their spring break and our collective idea to go see the movie in theaters. Best. Idea. Ever. The four of us laughed and danced (ok, I was doing most of the dancing) through the whole thing and I admit, I bought the sound track the second we got home.

One of the best songs in the movie is called "Let It Go." It's beautiful and sung by the amazingly talented Idina Menzel. I loved it the second I heard it and I quickly put it on my play list for my after school yoga group.

My little yoga group is full of 4th and 5th grade girls on Thursday afternoons. They are spunky, full of life, and absolutely pure joy every single time I see them. They're incredible.

What I didn't know was that putting the song "Let It Go" on my playlist would turn yoga class into a full on dance party. It really was like something out of a movie. The first line of the song played while we were in one of our warrior poses and one of the girls started tapping her foot. The other girls started to smile, and before I could even say a thing, it was a dance party. Yep, dancing around the classroom, singing at the top of our lungs, I'm guessing the other after school programs were wondering what happened to yoga.

It was perfect. Absolutely perfect, and I'm not sure the words to the song could have been more perfect. Those girls 'let it go'!

On the running end of things, I am also learning to let it go. Let go of being perfectly prepared for a race, that is.

A few months ago, a few friends and I decided to sign up for a 15 mile trail race. At the time, it was mid-January and signing up for something in late March seemed like a very safe bet in terms of weather. Well, not so much. We got an email on Sunday with pictures of the course and let's just say that it prompted me to buy yax trax and my friend to buy new trail running shoes so that we can survive the icy conditions. We are all crossing our fingers and toes for some warm weather tomorrow.

We are in for an adventure, that is for sure. I have let go of the fact that it was a rough winter and I know I'm not fully trained for a 15 mile race. My honest plan is to put the Frozen soundtrack on my ipod and listen to it on repeat...and maybe even bust out a few dance moves if necessary. How's that for letting go? My yogi girls would be proud.

I hope you are letting go too. It's almost spring. And if that doesn't make you smile, I hope this does:


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