Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Introducing Oreo!

Yesterday was a big day in my classroom. A really, really big day. We welcomed a new member into our class...
The week before winter break, "Santa" brought my classroom a guinea pig cage. This was also a big day because all of my students are firm believers in Santa and truly believe that he brought a guinea pig cage straight to room 209 with directions to buy a guinea pig. 

Monday was the first day back after two weeks of winter break. I'm sure I speak for all teachers when I say that Monday morning alarm did not feel great. But, I have to admit that once I got to school and saw my hilarious kids, I was really happy to be back. Adding my good mood on Monday were my kids constant questions of: when is the guinea pig coming?have you met him yet? do you think he will like us?

Monday after school my co-worker and I headed to Petsmart and purchased two adorable guinea pigs. We bought all of our supplies and headed back to school with our new babies.

I have to admit, I am a big animal lover. I always have been. And even as a grown adult, that little fuzzy creature melted my heart the second I saw him. I carefully put him in his cage, admittedly talked to him for a little while about the kids he would meet in the morning, and went home smiling.

My students literally ran into the room yesterday morning. The little guinea pig sat patiently as they reached in and pet him as gently as they could (god bless you, guinea pig). My students quickly decided that because of his black fur with a white stripe, the obvious choice for a name would be Oreo, last name Cookie, of course. 

When Oreo seemed a little skittish, we talked about why he might be feeling nervous. Throughout the day I heard many of them whispering little pep talks through the cage. "It's ok guinea pig, I was nervous when I started school too!" "I love you guinea pig, it's going to be ok!" One of my students googled, "how to calm a guinea pig" and read that classical music and low lighting helps. When it was time for free choice time in the afternoon, my students insisted that we sit with the lights off and classical music playing to help the guinea pig.

There is tons of research that says kids benefit from having a pet. Pets help kids develop empathy and a sense of responsibility. I believe this to be especially true for kids with special needs and yesterday I could see it happening in my room. Oreo might just be a little guinea pig, but I have a feeling he will be a magical presence in our classroom. 

As my kids said as they left yesterday afternoon, "Happy Birthday, Oreo Cookie!"