Friday, February 7, 2014

My new best friend,

I have discovered something wonderful. I mean really wonderful. It's name is, a fantastic little site that has solved my very big problem-- a love for fashion with a lack of extra time. It's a huge problem, right? :)

It all started my first year of teaching. I was 22 years old that first year. This means that I was about 10 years older than the students I was teaching and about 10 - 20 years younger than most of their parents. Being that it was my first year, I also walked around sweaty and nervous 99% of the time and admittedly, I wore my hair in a pony tail most days (still guilty of that, I admit). I was young and I probably looked even younger. This was fine until I would try to have a very serious chat with a 12 year old about behavior, or be sitting at parent teacher conferences with parents probably wondering why a teenager was responsible for their child's education. Or, my favorite, when I was asked for a hall pass by another teacher while walking down to the office in my k-8 school. 

Embarrassing. I needed to look more professional and my "I went to college in Washington where fleece vests pass as professional" was not doing the job. So, a couple of my teacher friends and I began "operation look like a teacher." But not long into our mission, we realized we didn't really know what that meant.

Several years later, we still don't know. We've shopped at The Limited, The Gap, Banana Republic and have discovered that it's really hard to look professional while not spending too much money or looking older or younger than the target.

Enter my new found solution and best friend:

If you are a teacher, a professional, a mom, really if you are a woman at any age (sorry guys, girls only on this site), you need to go to the site.

When you first arrive on the site, they will ask you to create an account and complete a profile. You will answer a series of questions about what types of clothes you wear, in what kind of environment you are looking to wear them, how you like things to fit, and how much you would typically to pay for different items. You pay a 20 dollar "styling fee" which gets applied to your order and reimbursed if you don't keep any of the clothes they send you.

Then, you schedule your "fix" and on the day you scheduled, your package arrives!

If you're me, you squeal on your doorstep when it arrives and run inside like it is an absolute emergency that you try these clothes on. I'm serious here, I tried mine on in my dining room!

The great thing is, you can send anything you don't want to keep back to stichfix, no questions asked. All you have to do is fill out a survey on what you liked and didn't and then drop off the pre-addressed package with your returns at the post office. In my case, I loved almost all of it, but I didn't need that much of a splurge mid-February.

Here's a peek at what I got:

And it also comes with this nifty little fashion suggestions card, useful!

Anyway, I think you'd love it! Give it a try!

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