Monday, April 28, 2014

All the way to Minnesota to take a shower?

I have really funny students. They are funny because they always have a comment. I cannot remember a time in my classroom when I have said something and one of my students has not had an immediate response to whatever I said. This past Friday was one of my favorites. The conversation went something like this:

Student: Ms. Rajanen, what are you going to do this weekend?

Me: Well, I'm actually going up to Minnesota for a wedding shower. Do you know what a wedding shower is?

Student: (big smile) Yep, I definitely know what a shower is!

Me: It might not be quite the kind of shower you're thinking of. This kind of shower is where people, usually women, get together and they give the person who is getting married presents. That's called a wedding shower.

(long pause)

Student: "Wow Ms. Rajanen, so you're going all the way to Minnesota to take a shower? They must have really nice showers!"

I did try several other angles...

Me: My mom is going to be there. Remember Mrs. Rajanen? She's going to be there to help me celebrate.

Student: Your mom is going to take a shower with you?

Another attempt...

Me: At wedding showers you play games and eat snacks and open presents!

Student: You're going to play games in the shower with your friends? Must be a huge shower, Ms. Rajanen!

Somewhere along the line, I gave up explaining. Partly because we didn't seem to be getting anywhere, but also because I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. It was just too funny for words.

The actual wedding shower that I traveled to Minnesota to attend was also beyond words. I have the most thoughtful friends and family and I felt so incredibly special all day long and have continued to feel the love all week. Life is beautiful and I feel so fortunate to have such wonderful people with me on the journey.

I had a professor in college who once told me, when life is too beautiful for words, just close your eyes and whisper thank you into the wind and know that it will land on the hearts of all the people you love. And so, I am sending my thank you's into the air for these beautiful people, my students, and so many others...

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